Complete_the_sentences_Choose_the_correct_form_of_ the_verbs
6. ročník
Complete the sentences by using to be going to
Match the parts of sentences
Ordinal numbers
Past simple – minulý čas
Personal information questions
Present continuous 6. class
Present simple and continuous
Present tenses
Write dates in Czech
7. ročník
Adverbs of frequency
Are statements true or false
Comparatives and Superlatives
Comparatives and Superlatives translation
Complete do does don’t or doesn’t
Complete sentences use he she and negative form of verbs
Complete the sentences by using have to or has to
Complete the sentences use present simple
Doplň předložky in on nebo at
Make the sentences by using comparatives or superlatives of adjectives
Past form of irregular verbs
Past simple 1
Past_simple 2
Present tenses
Přelož věty have to has to
Rachel’s Journey to London
Read the following advertisement and choose the correct answer to the questions
Read the text and decide if the statements true or false
Translate the sentences into English
Write the past tense of these regular verbs
8. ročník
Broken sentences
Complete the sentences with in on or at
Match the expression to the correct meaning
Prepositions of place 1
Prepositions of place 2
Prepositions of place 3
Prepositions of time exercises
Prepositions of time rules
Present perfect
Present perfect x Past simple
Questions and answers
Translation of future tense
Why because
Words that go together
9. ročník
Complete the sentences Choose the correct form of the verbs
Doplň předložky in on nebo at
Improve your vocabulary power television
Improve your vocabulary power television 1
Improve your vocabulary power the Internet
Match the question word
Past simple
Past participles of irregular verbs
Past participles of irregular verbs 1
Past participles of irregular verbs 2
Past simple or past continuous
Present perfect for speaking about experience or lack of experience
Someone like you Adele
Two sisters